Monday, October 27, 2008

Toys, Toys, Toys!!

Kynzie's starting to enjoy her toys a lot more. Her bouncy chair has a toy bar on it, and for the first time yesterday, she was reaching up at it! If you rattle a toy above her, she reaches her arms out at it. Today I had a handful of binkies, and she grabbed one, and put it in her mouth.

She's also still way into sucking on her fists. I always say she's trying to break the world record for the most hand fit in a mouth.

She still loves her feet too, and continues to be oh-so vocal!

Kynz is still trying as hard as ever to crawl, and now she's even closer. She can get up on her hands and knees. But she only seems to move one leg, which causes her to roll over unintentionally. She's definitely still squirming, scooting and rolling her little self all over the place!

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