Sunday, October 12, 2008

Kynzie's New Activity Center

After I got home from work today, Kynzie was a little on the fussy side. She didn't seem to want to be held, and I was able to calm her down by laying her down and letting her suck on my finger. I love how she was holding onto my hand with both of hers. She's so sweet!

She's still growing by the minute. I put her in a 6-month sized outfit today! It's a little baggy, but in a few weeks I'm going to have to go through at pack up the old and get out the new!

She got a new activity center! She's not quite big enough to sit well in it, so she kind of flops around a bit. But she still loves it!

1 comment:

  1. Kinda looks like she has a mohawk now. She is sooo verbal and has pretty good coordination. I can't wait to see her next week!
