Friday, May 8, 2009

Just Another Day At The Park

Kynzie & I went to the park for a little while today and it seemed to be the perfect cure for a day filled with fussiness (I think she might be getting ready to cut some teeth).

Checkin' out the bark dust...

As usual, she found herself a big stick!

She was investigating her shadow.

She kept gravitating toward the pavement.

"Look Mommy, I found a leaf!!"

"Ooh, that pavement sure looks fun!"

She found the play structure and went straight for it! Sometimes I just can't believe how adventurous she is. Please excuse the video choppiness!

On the way home, we stopped at Fred Meyer. She had been getting a little sick of being strapped in the stroller so I bought her this little toy for a dollar. She sure had fun with it!

So much fun that she fell asleep and was still holding onto it!

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