Monday, August 30, 2010

Family Time At The Park

It was a beautiful day to go to the park!

She wasn't too sure about these stepping stone type things.

She's gotten very good at walking down steps.

She always likes the steering wheels at parks.

And of course she still digs the slide.

We stopped and got ribs on our way home. Kynzie had barbecued chicken and managed to make quite a mess.

"Dadddddyyy!!! Clean my hands!!" She doesn't like her hands getting being dirty.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Looking Cool

She loves to wear her sunglasses.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Big Girl Potty

It's been six days now that Kynzie has been going in the potty, with only a few accidents. At first we were "bribing" her with candy but now she forgets to even ask for it. She doesn't have to be reminded to go either. We've been keeping her naked and keeping the potty in the living room. Next step: panties! She's so proud of herself...what a big girl!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Kynzie's First Haircut

She was very excited about going to get a haircut.

Once we got there she began to get skeptical. But she quickly got over it. She got to sit in a really neat pink car and wear a pretty pink cape!

She drove the car while she got her haircut.

There was a yellow car at the booth next to hers that she wanted to sit it. We kept reminding her that after her haircut she could sit in the yellow car.

I was very impressed by how well she sat still.

She got a toy frog to look at so she would keep her head down.

Getting her bangs cut.

She smiled when she looked in the mirror and saw her pretty new do.

She got to ride this horse two times while we were getting ready to leave. Once we got home, I said something about her haircut and she reached up and touched her hair and said "My hair got all gone."

Laughing Boy

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sibling Play Time

Kynzie always insists that Ryker play too. She likes to show him everything.

Ryker tries really hard to scoot forward to get himself some toys.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Daddy And Baby Snuggles

We were watching videos of animals on the computer and Kynzie thought Ryker needed to watch too. She asked to hold him.


Ryker looks like he's giving the evil eye.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Napping Kynzie

After refusing to take a nap in her bed Kynzie fell asleep on the couch.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Kynzie's First Real Owie

Kynzie was playing with her giant stuffed dog on the couch and fell and hit her face on the coffee table. There was so much blood!

She's so tough. She screamed for a minute but pretty much stopped crying when Daddy picked her up. I think Ryan & I were more traumatized than she was.

Even Daddy had blood on him.

She thought it was paint.

All that blood and yet such a little gash!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Ryker's Play Gym

Ryker loves his play gym. So much that he will even stop crying if I lay him under it.

He grabs the animals and attempts to put them in his mouth.

Kynzie and Daddy built this tower. She insisted that I take a picture of it.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sweet Daddy Snuggles

Such a sweet, happy boy.

This is what I found upon returning downstairs after my shower. How come he never falls asleep that easy for me?! It seems like the kids are always on their best behavior when I'm not around. I worked today and Kynzie slept 10:30, two hours later than normal. And Ryker slept in his swing from the time I left at 5:45 until almost 11!!