Saturday, April 24, 2010

Little People

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Kynzie really likes playing with “little people”. So you can imagine the excitement when we got a whole box of them at a garage sale. She likes them to be all set up, and to give them kisses.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Getting Dressed In Her Sleep

Kynzie Takes The Lead

DSCN1348 We were at Greg & Sandy’s in the front yard and Kynzie looked at Ryan and said “Daddy, park! Daddy, hand?!” She took his hand and she led him all the way to the park. How could he resist? Now if we could only get her to hold our hand when we want her to.


Ryker wasn’t in the mood to play at the park.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sibling Snuggles & Planes



After stepping away for just a second, I came back into the living room to find Kynzie snuggling with Ryker and giving him kisses.

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After dropping GiGi off at the airport we took Kynzie to the viewing point. It took a while for a plane to come around so Kynzie decided it was time for a game of peek-a-boo. We weren’t lucky enough to see a plane take off but she did get to see a few. She knows a plane by the sound of it. I think she was a bit confused when she saw how large they are.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Kynzie Holding Ryker


Kynzie thought it was neat when Daddy helped her “hold” Ryker. She kept asking to hold him afterwards.


She loves giving her little brother kisses (most of the time).

Star Wars Fanatic


You can’t tell from this picture, but Kynzie loves Star Wars. She’s always asking Daddy to watch it with her….which is what prompted me to buy her this Chewbaca shirt. Every time she sees the 20th Century Fox intro at the beginning of a movie she starts excitedly yelling “Star Wars! Star Wars!” Unfortunately for her, she’s disappointed 99% of the time when Star Wars doesn’t follow.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Lots O’ Attitude


Little miss has quite the attitude these days…


but she’s still cute as ever…


and enjoys snuggles!

Dancing To Britney Spears

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Ryker’s First Bath At Home


Ryker was angry! 


A clean and happy boy!


Ryker loves when GiGi rubs his legs.

Kynzie’s New Ride

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Kynzie got a new “cozy coupe” that she thinks is sooo fun. She hasn’t quite gotten the horn-honking down, but she really likes to back it up into things.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Wishing Flowers & Dinner at Grandma’s

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Daddy taught Kynzie how to blow on “wishing flowers.”


We went to Sandy & Greg’s for turkey dinner. Great Grandma Anne met Ryker for the first time.


Grandma feeding Ryker for the first time.


Auntie Brita loves holding her nephew!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Meeting Ryker


Auntie Brita wasn’t allowed in the NICU and was super excited to finally meet Ryker.


Grandpa Colin and Ryker.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Playing Outside Again

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It’s nice to finally have some nice weather. Kynzie loves to be outside!


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

GiGi Meets Ryker


After much anticipation, “GiGi” finally got to hold Ryker.


Talking about how cute he is!


Drinking his bottle like a good boy…we’re hoping that we can soon be done with all this bottle nonsense.

Playing Outside


She likes to throw the frisbee, or as she calls it “bee".”


She likes her wagon. Her and the neighbor went for a ride in it today.


“Kynzie, smile pretty for the camera!”


Kynzie and Jonathan swinging!


We busted out the sidewalk chalk today. Kynzie likes to draw lines.


Sitting on Jonathans’s bike.