Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Six Pounds!


Big stretches!


“Jeez Mommy, get this teddy bear off of me!”


“Can I take this stuff off yet?”

He got really upset when the nurse changed his leads. And he weighs 6 lbs 3 oz now!



We found some LEGOS on ebay that were just too good of a deal to pass up.


She loves her blocks. She especially likes to break the things Mommy & Daddy build.


Goofy girl walked across them instead of just going around.

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Daddy made a LEGO robot.

Ryker’s Room

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Bath Time!

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Kynzie still loves bath time and has even gotten over having water poured over her face. I can’t get her out of the bath until all the water is gone. She waves and says “bye bye water.” Tonight she was intentionally looking away every time I took a picture.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Get Me Outta Here!


Ryker was being extra squirmy, pulling his cannula out as usual.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Five Pounds!

Our big boy made it to five pounds!


Getting a bath from nurse Kathe.


Snuggling with Mommy to warm up.


He was exhausted from the bath and wouldn’t latch on for very long tonight. But he took 18ml (about half an ounce) last night. He’s a strong little chugger! The doctors are saying 2-3 weeks until he can come home..

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Eating All By Herself


Kynzie insists on eating all by herself these days…always asking for a “gork.”


Can you believe she almost ate this entire cup of fruit?

Saturday, March 13, 2010



Ryker’s favorite place to be is on Mommy’s chest on his tummy..



Thursday, March 11, 2010

Kynzie Pumping

Kynzie Pumping

She did this all by herself. She even turned the pump on (although she didn’t have the tubes connected so it didn’t work). I thought it was too funny…

Peaceful Baby


Sunday, March 7, 2010


I wasn’t able to get her to say many…she can say a ton of words now…but here’s a few…

Monday, March 1, 2010

Big Boy


He’s always trying to pull his cannula out.


I wake him up every time I change his diaper or get him out.

They’ve moved him to the “big boy” side of the NICU and decreased his cannula settings a bit. He weighs 4 lbs 2 oz and we are starting our first attempts at nursing.