Tuesday, September 22, 2009

PB & J and One Strange Kitty

Kynzie loves PB & J sandwiches for lunch. Most of the time she stretches the (half) sandwich out so it’s covering her whole face. I wasn’t able to get a picture of it.



She’s also figured out that the crust is her least favorite part, and she normally doesn’t eat it.


Our kitty Elvis is a strange one.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Doctor’s Appointment

Kynzie had a doctor appointment this evening, just a well-baby checkup. And as we already knew she is perfectly healthy. What was interesting was that as soon as we stepped foot into the exam room she began freaking out, as if she sensed that the doctor is not a fun place. And as soon as we left the room all fussing came to an end. She had her chicken pox vaccination. She weighs 23 lbs 4 oz and is 32 1/2 inches tall. For head circumference, she is (still) in the 95th percentile. Smart girl with a big brain!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Family At The Park


Kynz did a good job of holding Ryan’s hand until after he held her while crossing the street.


Daddy and Kynzie on the swing.


Kynzie had a look on her face and for a minute I thought she was actually going to attempt climbing this.


Crazy hair on the slide!

The Zoo

We took a trip to the zoo today, thinking it would be fun for Kynzie. She did have fun but unfortunately we went too close to nap time. She ended up falling asleep before we left.


She enjoyed looking at the fish in this dome.


She likes it when Daddy shows her things. She reached for him every time I tried to hold her.


Her favorite part of the day was without a doubt the petting zoo. She got really excited!


She actually gave it a hug at one point.


Kynzie loves animals!


This lion is a new addition to the Oregon Zoo, a part of the newly-opened exhibit “Predators of The Serengeti”. Did you know that lions sleep 20 hours per day?

Monday, September 7, 2009

Kynzie In A Basket

Kynzie thinks it’s fun to crawl into things, including this wicker basket.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Swifts

Every evening at sunset in September during their migration south, Swifts, which are insect eating birds, roost in a chimney at an elementary school in northwest Portland. They all flood into the chimney at the same time, and it is quite a sight to see!


Kynzie was eating a cracker and thought it was really funny to rub into Daddy’s hair!


“Ahahaha! I got you Daddy!”


Ryan was trying to point Kynzie’s attention towards the birds (which aren’t visible in this picture).


A hawk was swarming the birds looking to score a good meal. A swarm of swifts would chase him off while the others flew away. He finally decided to hang out on the chimney and we were pretty sure he succeeded in his mission.


A little difficult to see but if you look closely you can see the birds tunneling into the chimney.


The next group circling around.


It was past pie’s bedtime. Sleepy!