Friday, March 27, 2009


Kynzie was making quite the faces today..

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Our Visit To The Park

Kynzie and I went to see a movie today, and then went to the park with our friends.

Kynzie and Kiev shared the swing! Kiev loves the swing, but Kynzie doesn't get super excited about it.

They're almost exactly the same size- After all, they are only five days apart.

Kynzie was cracking up! Don't mind the strange sounds I was making- but that was what she found so funny!

She was only able to take a few steps in the grass. I'm sure it's because it's bumpy and is quite different from carpet.

Kynzie declared it time to explore! She really enjoyed feeling the grass and the leaves on the ground. It was much muddier than I thought and her hands were quite a mess when she was done playing.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Walk, Walk, Walk!

Kynzie's almost stopped crawling altogether- she walks everywhere! She spent most of today practicing. She would walk back and forth across the living room and then in circles. She really likes to carry things while she walks, most of the time she'll have something in both hands. For quite awhile today, she carried a pile of her clothes from one end of the living room to the other, item by item. The only time she would crawl was when I would get behind her and chase her- she thinks that's super hilarious! I still can't believe she's walking....our little baby is growing up so fast!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bathtime Fussing

Kynzie gets mad when bathtime is over! Tonight we took a shower together, and then I ran a bath and we both played. It was a long bathtime! And yet, she still wasn't keen on it being over.

But she looked so cute in her little robe!

Funny Sounds

She's been making these funny sounds for a few days now. I think she might be trying to make kissing sounds like I do when I give her kisses.

Monday, March 23, 2009


When we were in Texas, I gave Kynzie a few cut up strawberries and although she cleared her plate, she didn't seem all that pleased. But tonight when Ryan mashed some up and spoon fed her, she couldn't get enough of them!

Our Little Toddler

Kynzie's been making this hilarious face a lot lately, and I finally caught it!

I was finally able to get a pretty good video of her walking. She's for sure a little toddler now! She can even stop mid-walk, pick up a toy off the ground and keep going! A recent fascination is doors. She loves to open and close them, and swing them!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Yogurt Face!

Kynzie loves yogurt. This picture was from when Ryan was sharing his peach yogurt with her. She normally gets her own "YoBaby" yogurt because there's much less sugar in it, so this was kind of a treat. And her hair was crazy because it had been up in a pony...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Playing Blocks


Kynzie's been fearlessly walking for about a week and a half now. She took her "first step" about a month ago, but it wasn't until we went to Texas that she began taking more than two at a time. Her record is 16 steps now!! I've been trying to get her on video, but my timing always seems to be off...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Doctor's Appointment

Kynzie's been sick for about a week now, which is why I haven't been able to catch any cute pictures or videos. She's been coughing and has been extremely congested, but hasn't had a fever. Sandy took her to the doctor on Friday while I was at work and they said she just has a cold. With Ryan having been sick for so long, and with pneumonia, I was a little concerned. Lucikly, she's fine! She had a well baby checkup this morning. She weighs 19 lbs, 12 oz, almost 20 pounds! And she is 28 1/2 inches tall. And once again, the doctor said she's just perfect!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


We were playing in the bathroom and Kynzie dropped a toy in the bathtub. I said "Uh Oh!", and after she dropped another toy, she said "Uh Oh!"

She's also been saying "DaDa"
discriminately for about a month, and just recently established a name for me. Instead of "MaMa", she calls me "NeNeNeNe". I'm also sure that she completely understands what "No" means, although she doesn't always listen!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Day Seven In Texas

On the way to the airport we took a drive past the house I lived in when we lived in Dallas. They've definitely redone it- it used to have paneling.

We also took a drive past the first elementary school I attended, Stephen C. Foster and it looks exactly the same as I left it!

Kynzie had fun playing in the airport.

Saying Goodbye.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Day Six In Texas

Kynzie enjoyed all the things that were around to explore at NaNaw's house. She especially took a liking to the case of Christmas Houses. She learned what "No" means, after constantly hearing it on our visit. There was just so many things for her to get in to! As she was getting into something she shouldn't have, Aunt Judy asked her what she was doing, and she said "No No".

Five Generations! I think it was pretty special that we were able to get five generations together. This is a picture I will cherish forever.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Day Five In Texas

Kynzie had managed to stand up without holding on to anything a few time before our trip, but she mastered it while we were away. She also took 5 steps all by herself!

We played outside a lot since the weather permitted. The concrete past the patio hurt Kynzie's knees, so she found a way to avoid using her knees!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Day Four In Texas

We had a busy day! First we went to the park. It's a good thing I bought a little umbrella stroller once we got to Texas! Kynzie still loves to swing but she was tired today and it almost put her to sleep! She really enjoyed sitting in Aunt G's lap while I pushed them on the Merry Go Round. She could look at everything without moving! The weather was very nice. Although it looked like it was going to rain, it didn't and the temperature was nearly 80 degrees!

After our trip
to the park more of the family came over to visit. Valerie, Jerry, Chance, Maddy, Gracie, Kayla, Sabara, Cody and Brian all came. We definitely had a full house! Kayla and Gracie, who are 5 and 8, loved playing with Kynzie.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Day Three In Texas

I brought Kynzie's booster seat and it was a lifesaver!

Grams bought Kynzie a pair of shoes so we had to get her feet sized.

All that shopping tired her out!

Kynzie really loves her NaNaw! That's her Great Great Grandma!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Kynzie On The Airplane

Kynzie & I had over a 5 hour flight to Dallas, and she did surprisingly well considering what a little busy body she is. She slept for a good portion of the flight. She really enjoyed looking out of the windows during takeoff and landing.

I gave her some snacks to eat while we were on the airplane.

Kynzie likes the camera!

The airplane is fun!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Kynzie's learned to wave! Of course though, she only does it when she wants to. For the first few weeks, I couldn't figure out what she was doing because I don't ever wave at her. But Grandpa Hargis does! It's super cute becuase she does it backwards, so it looks like she's waving to herself.