Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Story Of Our Day In Pictures

We went out to breakfast yesterday morning and Kynzie got to practice drinking out of a cup. Her favorite part was banging the cup on the table.

Later that day, when we got home, she got to eat some cheerios!

I put a bib on her, but instead of using it to shield her clothes, she decided she wanted to pretend to be a superhero. She wanted it to be a cape.

More of the cheerios ended up on the floor than in her mouth. But she sure had fun throwing them!

When I went to change her diaper, she protested. She thought it would be more fun to play with than to wear.

"Do I have to wear a diaper Mommy?"

She's gotten very fast at crawling. She loves it when we don't have certain areas blocked off, and she's able to explore the house.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

First Tooth!

Kynzie cut her first tooth today! She's been particularly fussy today, and extremely attached to me, just needing extra cuddles and nursing quite frequently. I had thought it was probably just because of her shots yesterday. But as we were out shopping, my mom felt in her mouth and discovered a tooth! The doctor and I both felt yesterday, and there wasn't anything there. It's only a matter of time before she has a toothy little smile.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Doctor's Appointment

Kynzie's doctor appointment went well today. She weighs 17 lbs, 14 oz, which puts her in the 75th percentile, perfectly healthy. And she's 27 3/4 inches long. She hasn't grown much since her last appointment in November! But that's okay, because she's super healthy. And she's in the 95th percentile for head circumference- she's got a big brain! :) I explained Friday's situation and Dr. Kocher said that she probably just had a little stomach bug, that it's been going around. She said that it's actually very rare for her intestines to get twisted, and that's why they don't worry about the umbilical hernia. When milestones came up, her doctor said she wouldn't be surprised if Kynz starts walking within the next month- and that she's very far ahead for her age.

We bought Kynzie an inexpensive little ball pit yesterday. She seems to really enjoy it, but would probably have more fun if there were a few more balls.

Daddy wanted to play too!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Our Little Scare

As some of you may have heard, I took Kynzie to urgent care earlier today. Last night, as we were laying in bed, and she was completely asleep, I noticed that her belly button felt odd. Normally, when she's completely relaxed, you're able to push it in, and last night, it felt hard and I was unable to do that. She threw up in the middle of the night, but I didn't think much of it. This morning, she slept from 6 a.m to 10 a.m, and a 4 hour stretch is uncommon for her. When she woke up, she threw up a lot. It wasn't just spit up, more like vomit. I couldn't get her to eat. She would latch on for just a minute, and then spit up anything she had eaten. She hadn't had a wet diaper in quite awhile, and had hardly eaten anything in 8 hours. She seemed pretty lethargic, and I couldn't even get a smile out of her. Although, she wasn't running a fever, I was extremely concerned. I called her doctor's office, and they said they would have the doctor call back at the end of their work day, which is 1:30 p.m. They told me I couldn't take her to urgent care because she is too young. I was very irritated with they way they handled things. They ended up telling me that I could bring her into urgent care, which is located down stairs from her doctor's office. I tried giving her a bottle of breast milk, and she wouldn't eat that way either. Once we got to urgent care, she seemed to be feeling a little better, and was acting more like her normal self. The doctor finally saw us, and had me feed her to see if it would stay down, and it did. She also thoroughly evaluated her stomach and her belly button, and by that point, it was able to be pushed in again. By the end of the visit, she was acting completely fine. The doctor said that it may have been a stomach bug, or that maybe her intestines got tangled up and it worked itself out. She's still fine now, and her belly button is normal again. She has a routine checkup on Monday, so I'll have a chance to talk to her doctor about today's events.


Kynzie is loving the big bath tub. I let her play in it for quite awhile tonight. Since bathing in the big tub, she doesn't mind having water poured over her head. She never threw a complete fit over it, but before, I always made sure to do it near the end of the bath because sometimes she would get upset. And now, she acts like it's no big deal! A friend of mine came over and I let her feed her bananas. She was giving her too big of bites, and Kynzie was a mess. Although, she did eat a half of a banana! And then I gave her almost the whole other half in a mesh feeder, and she ate quite a bit of that. She loved using the mesh feeder because she could do it herself. I think she's going through a growth spurt, because she's been nursing a lot more than usual. She has a doctor's appointment on Monday, so we'll get to learn how big she's gotten!

Friday, January 2, 2009

First Time In The Big Bath

Kynzie took a bath in the big bath for the first time last night! We gave her a few toys, and she loved it! It went very well! We had previously been using an infant tub, the kind that has the net in it. She was getting too big for the net, so we took it out. But then she seemed to dislike the tub, because the part where her legs go was deeper, and she would hold her legs up out of the water.

She tried avocados a few days ago, and she loved that too! I think she liked it better than bananas. After the first bite and a quizzical face, she let out a happy squeal. We also tried to feed her carrots, and she wanted nothing to do with that! She actually attempted to pull them out of her mouth.